E.A.D. (Equine Assisted Development) PROGRAM
E.A.D. Life is an Unforgettable Ride
EAD PROGRAM - Equine Assisted Development Program - The SVIPA individual based approach to learning also offers an amazing program for the student struggling with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia and a variety of other special learning or behavioral needs. These students are typically enrolled in SVIPA's EAD Program - Equine Assisted Development Program. For more information on this program contact the school office by phone or email to see if your child is a candidate for this program. 
Philosophy of Education k-12
We believe that in order to "train a child in the way he should go" the learning experience must encompass all aspects of life-spiritual, moral, social, cultural, political, historical, scientific and academic. We believe all of these aspects must be grounded in a Biblical World View in order to ensure that "when he is grown he will not part from it".
We believe in striving for excellence in this style of Christian Education by motivating and training a child to "educate himself". We believe that one of best ways to motivate children to "educate themselves" is for the student to be 'hands on'with their learning by exploring and experimenting with the real world around them in respect to science, math, physics, technology, politics, our society and other cultures. We believe this method of education encourages each student to probe deeper, think harder, and understand at a higher level; while creating an excitement to present their discoveries, results, and opinions to others.
We believe that the Christian student must understand that just as God designed every action to have a reaction in regards to science, also every personal action will have a consequence in regards to life. Therefore, education must not only guide a student through his/her academic years, but it must have a foundational effect that carries on into his/her business and personal life as a mature Christian adult.
We believe that this philosophy of education will bring forth great leaders of tomorrow who will share their faith in Christ, spread the gospel, and help lead our country back to the conservative Christian social & political values that America was founded upon by our forefathers.
Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy
SVIPA admits students of any race, color, nationality and ethnic origin to its student body and/or its faculty.  It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin in administering its educational policies, admission policies, scholarships, loan programs, athletic or other school-administered programs.   

Our mission is to assist parents in raising future leaders of tomorrow that are highly educated, college bound, conservative, Christian individuals.